Run cmd in administrator mode, type regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSCOMCTL. It seems you can see the file, but it might not be registered. The ocx control should be in your Syswow64 (if 64 bit pc) folder and not in the app folder, and it needs to be registered manually (common vb6 problem in Win7, 8 ,10). Use System Restore to undo recent system changes.Run a virus/malware scan of your entire system.Run the sfc/scannow System File Checker command to replace a missing or corrupt copy of the fm20.Reinstall the program that uses the fm20.Right clicking on a folder will extract it and it’s sub folders. Right clicking on top level file name will extract the entire ISO. How to use Xbox Image Browser: Selecting the “su20076000_00000000” will display the version number. Register the MSCOMCTL.OCX File on 32-bit Systems.Register the MSCOMCTL.OCX File on 64-bit Systems.Check the Desktop’s or Laptop’s System Details.How do I fix Mscomctl OCX not correctly registered? To register the file type the following command and press Enter.
Type the following command and press Enter to unregister the file.Press Windows + X, Click on Command Prompt (Admin).This error occurs when MSCOMCTL….Follow the steps.